Advanced Technology Company leads in the specialized fields of:
Electron Beam Welding
Electron Beam Welding (EBW) provides great strength and consistent weld size of thick to thin materials. Many difficult-to-weld metals can be welded using the EBW process. EBW is able to produce deep and narrow welds with low heat input and narrow heat affected zones.
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW), also known as TIG Welding, is an all position welding process and is well-suited for hard-to-weld metals. This process allows welding for various kinds of metals than any other arc welding process.
Laser Welding & Cutting
Laser Welding & Cutting (LBW) provides close tolerances, good edge quality and extremely fast feed rates. Laser Welding provides minimal heat input; high welding speeds and welding in difficult access areas, with minimal or no finishing requirements.
Why Choose Advanced Technology Company?
ATCo's success is based on a simple common philosophy that is geared to timely processing of customer products with the highest quality. The company is sized to achieve reasonable economies of scale, yet small enough to be responsive and have efficient customer contact.
ATCo's success is based on a simple common philosophy that is geared to timely processing of customer products with the highest quality. The company is sized to achieve reasonable economies of scale, yet small enough to be responsive and have efficient customer contact.
ATCo is unique in accelerating the pre-fabrication cycle. ATCo's hands-on engineering group can quickly develop a sound fixture/tooling concept, solidify the design and have the hardware processed in-house in a short time. Equally talented are the weld engineers who can direct the process technicians through an efficient weld parameter development.
We have been serving the aerospace industry, continuously for more than 40 years. Other industries we serve are: Electronics, Energy, Industrial, Medical, Defense, Nuclear, Research, and Space. Our wide array of processes can provide you with one-stop shopping for your metals joining and laser processing needs.

To Mars and beyond
Advanced Technology Company congratulates NASA and all of their partners and contractors for the successful launch and landing of the Mars rover Curiosity. ATCo was one of many small businesses that earned a chance to contribute their part to this monumental space exploration effort. Advanced Technology Company performed Electron Beam welding, Laser welding and GTA welding with NASA's Contractors on many of the rover's components.
“Our welds are on every spacecraft and/or vehicle ever sent to Mars.”